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Mariano Real Pérez

Graduate in Math-Statistics at the University of Seville (1994) and eLearning Training and Evaluation Expert at the same university; also Master’s Degree in eLearning at University of Seville.
A civil servant from 1996, he has been a teacher and Head of Studies in various schools in Extremadura (Spain) for a period of eight years; also an ICT teacher trainer at the Zafra Teacher Training Centre. He has taught “Special Math” at the UNED (Spanish Open University) and has been a teacher trainer (Science and Math) at the Seville Teacher Training Centre for a period of six years and has been the director of this centre for a period of nine years (2013-2022); he is currently teacher trainer (Civic and Social) at the Seville Teacher Training Centre.
He has certified more than 3500 hours in conferences, papers and training programs all throughout Spain and abroad, both on-site and online; he is the author of the MATEmásTIC section from the international math magazine SUMA+.
He is co-author of the interactive curricular materials for Math ESO 3 (14-15 year-old students) meeting the development of basic competences for the Spanish Ministry of Education.
He has published two books and numerous articles on free software and education, on math and on GeoGebra. He has also published a great amount of interactive materials on math and on the didactic use of the interactive digital board.
At international level he has acquired the recognition of GeoGebra expert and trainer. He is the author of the GeoGebra blog "GeoGebreando" ( and owner of the Twitter account @GeoGebreando. He has created a great amount of applets with GeoGebra for the different curricular materials where he has participated.
Winner of the Extremadura Regional Prize “Joaquín Sama” for Innovation in Education in 2004 and 2007 and also National Prize from the Spanish Ministry of Education for the development of interactive curricular materials in 2009; also National Prize Wikisaber for ICT innovation in 2010. He has been a finalist for the Educared International Prize to didactic innovation in ICT use in 2011 and he has been awarded the international Edublog prize in 2011 (second position in “Teacher Blog” category and third position in “Professional Training” category).

In 2012 he was awarded the “Cipriano Sánchez Pesquero” national prize for Math Divulgation and he has received the “Antonio Domínguez Ortiz” Andalucía Regional Prize for innovation and didactic improvement in 2012. In 2018 he was awarded the “GeoGebra" national prize.
He was a member of the Board of Directors of the “Ventura Reyes Prósper” Math Society from Extremadura since 1999 to 2018.

He was appointed ambassador of the Aula del Futuro in October 2022 and he is a member of the Board of Directors of the GeoGebra Institute of Extremadura since 2021.

Presentación de Mariano Real. Video de Mariano Real en Youtube

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